

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学一年级50字作文]蚯蚓有眼睛吗 我一直对蚯蚓很好奇, 蚯蚓像蛇一样是一种没有腿的爬行动物,但是它到底有没有眼睛呢? 有一天,我跟爸爸到乡下老家。下午,我跟爷爷到地里拔萝卜,拔呀拔,拔出一个大萝卜,...+阅读

there are many traditional festivals in china,and i like chinese newyear very much.because during the chinese newyear,we can get pocket money from our parents and relatives.we also can eat a lot of sweets,biscuits and oranges for the big day. before the chinese new year,the family will went around the shopping centres there and buy clothes for each member of the family. on the eve of the chinese eve,the family will do the cleaning of the house.we have to clean the house before the actual day as it was considered unlucky to clean the house on the day itself. on the eve of the chinese new year,the family will have a reunion dinner.mother will cook special dishes for the family.it was the best home-cooked meal of the year. it is the most exciting fastival in my mind. 中国有很多传统的节日,我最喜欢春节了,因为春节我们可以向我们的父母亲戚拿利是,春节的时候我们可以吃很多很多的糖果,饼干和橙子。在春节之前,家里的人会去购物,去给家里的每个人添新衣服。在除夕那天,家里的人在清洁房子,因为如果不清洁房子的话会被看作为不吉利。在除夕那天,家里的人会一起知晚饭庆团员,妈妈会煮很多好菜给我们吃,那是一年中最丰盛的晚餐。我想,新年是最刺激了 自己写的哦~~比较简单了


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