

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语作文充实的一天怎么写]Today, I had a rich and meaningful day. My mother opened a bakery. She was very kind-hearted. She promised the children in the orphanage to bake for them today....+阅读

Our school is very big. There are two tall buildings. One is teaching building, the other is office building. There are more than twenty classrooms in my school. There is a computer room, a music room, two labs and a gym. There is a big playground , too. We often have PE there. There are lots of trees around the playground. Our school is clean and tidy. I like it very much....


小学三年级难忘的一天作文怎么写星期天的上午,天气晴朗,阳光明媚。我们来到长江生态园,那里空气清新,景色宜人。我们选择了一个放风筝的最佳地点——一片十分宽敞的草坪。 我先把风筝放在地上,然后拿着线轮,趁着...


英语怎么写?要求写一篇英语作文我爱我的学校。I study in the No. I middle school, where there are three grades and thirty-two classes. It is not big but very beautiful. In the center of the school there is...

三年级写无聊的一天的作文无聊的一天又是一个星期日,爸爸早几天就和我说好,要带我去“多美丽”餐馆吃炸鸡的,可是今天突然要加班,只好把我撩在家里了。 我早早写完了作业,独自躺靠在宽大的沙发里,拿着遥控...

二年级作文难忘的一天学校打扫除为了迎接学校的百年校庆,学校要求进行大扫除。 今天下午,我带着抹布、桶子、刷子、洗衣粉早早地来到学校。上课铃一响,老师就来到教室给同学们分工:“黄振擦书柜、刘家俊和张家...

五年级英语作文介绍我的学校40个单词写作思路:从文章的写作目的、中心主旨入手,结合自身感受,真实得描述,新鲜有趣的材料,以使文章中心思想鲜明、深刻地表现出来,正文: I study in a beautiful school. There are man...

五年级英语作文我的一天A day of my life (我的一天) I got up at 7 in the morning ,and my mother cooked me a delicous breakfast. 我早晨7点起床,我妈妈给我做了好吃的早餐。 After breakfast I...

学校作文之学校的一次活动作文300字去文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:度米文库 学校的一次活动作文300字 【篇一:一次有趣的活动作文300字】 一次有趣的活动作文300字 记得去年的国庆节时,学校组织在班里搞游园...

介绍学校用英语写一篇作文I"ll introduce our school orders to all of you. Firstly,you must be dressing neatly and clearly when you go to school everyday. Secondly,dont be late ,and dont g...
