

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com


Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Which Mode of Travel Do You like? You should write no less than 150 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 有的人喜欢参加旅行社旅游(package tours) 2. 有的人喜欢自己独立行动(travelling on one's own) 3. 比较这两种旅游方式,我喜欢的是…… 范文: With the general standard of living improving and the working week becoming shorter, more and more people are able to make a holiday trip to places of interest. While many like to join package tours fro convenience, I prefer to travel on my own. I like travelling on may own not only because it costs much less but because it gives a great degree of independence and freedom. Travelling on my own, I'm my own boss; and can decide when to start on my way, where to linger a little longer and which spot can be skipped over to save energy or time for another spot. I can always adjust my plan. On the contrary, in a package tour you're deprived of as much freedom as in a military base. At the sound of the whistle, you have to jump up from a sound sleep and, with heavy-lidded eyes, hurry to the gathering place where you are collected and counted to board a coach. At the sight of the little flag waving, you must immediately take yourself away from the scenes you are marveling at and follow the guide whose sole interest is to cover all spots according to him strict schedule, regardless of the weather or your health condition. True,you may encounter inconveniences if you travel individually,for instance, getting accommodations for the night and finding a place for meals. But nothing can be compared with the freedom which is vital to a person who takes a holiday trip mainly to escape from constraints of his routine life.


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