[以青春为题写一篇600字左右的作文!要快啊!]如果说人生是五彩缤纷的,那么青春必是其中最绚丽的一抹;如果说人生是动静交融的,那么青春必是其中最活力四射的一份。 灿烂的犹如初升太阳的面纱,灵秀的犹如崖一边的一枝百合,热...+阅读
Social customs differ from place to place in the world. Misunderstanding will surely arise if we are not aware of these differences. There are many differences in social customs between Americans and Chinese. The most obvious is that people are very informal in social situations in the United States. For example, they call each other by their given names when they meet for the first time, including the young to the old. In China, however, this will be regarded as quite impolite. Another difference is in topics in conversation. It is quite all right to ask a Chinese the cost of his possessions while it is quite rude to do so in the United States. The Chinese do not care much if they are asked about their age, their political and religious beliefs whereas these kinds of topics are usually avoided in conversations in the United States. There are certainly many other different social customs between Americans and Chinese to which we should pay much attention in the study of the English language. Only those who have an awareness of the culture of another nation can have a better command of its language.
日记200字1篇快!!!!春节故事 今年过年外婆家可热闹了!因为我们全都回外婆家过年,我两个可爱的表弟也回来了。妈妈给我小表弟买了汽车,给大表弟买了一个机器人,阿姨给我买了一套大长今的衣服,我们几...
春节作文300字9篇快学期就要结束了, 春节也快到了,我心里特别兴奋,我早已计划好了这个春节该怎么过,现在日日夜夜盼望的春节终于要来了哦,我一定要过得充实而有意义。 首先,得提前买好对联,把家里的几...
求一篇高中作文差异我们的身边处处存在差异。与妈妈我们有年龄的差异、辈份的差异、经验的差异、长相的差异。。。差异使我们活在多姿多彩的世界中。 没有地域的差异,我们怎会既能感受到“大漠...
求一篇作文叫我的战争快啊! !高考是一场战争。这句话已成为一句名言。而我要说的正是我的高考。 “我是高五的。”我知道我说出这句话时很多人都会感慨、唏嘘一番,然后就是鼓励啦、支持啦,同时心中不免嘀...
请写一篇以朋友为话题的作文不少于600字!快啊!朋友 这扇门,留住了我们在十里烟尘中最后一丝幻想和那凄风冷雨中最后一点温存。 ————题记 或许,朋友就是这样,中间永远隔着一扇难以敞开的门。无论是一碗烈酒的生死之交,还...
求一篇原创的关于中美关系的作文1000字我最尊敬的人 要是说起让我尊敬的一个人,要数那位和蔼可亲的清洁工爷爷。起初,我认为他没什么特别,可是,通过这件事,清洁工爷爷在我心中的形象慢慢变了······ 有一天放学回...
关于澳大利亚文化的英文小作文uropeans began exploration in the 17th century. No formal claims were made until 1770, when Capt. James COOK took possession in the name of Great Britain. Six c...