

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写一篇关于梦想的英语作文]Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping t...+阅读

In the early morning, my sister went out and brought home a bunch of pretty flowers. Right after my mother got up out of bed, we said "Happy Mother's Day"! to her and gave her the flowers. My mother was very happy; she smiled and said, 'How wonderful the flowers look! Thank you! Also, we told her we were going to do all the housework for our beloved mother, and she could take a rest for a day. In the beginning, we were excited about all the work we can do at home. Before long, we found that the housework seemed to be endless, There was cooking and washing, and cleaning to do, and there was shopping to do, too . During the dinner hour, the kitchen seemed so busy. My father was making a salad, my sister was baking a pie for dessert, and I was washing rice and vegetables, and there were many other things to do. Finally, the dinner was ready; it was two hours behind the usual schedule. The food was not as delicious as my mother's. Nevertheless, my mother and father enjoyed it, and felt very proud of their daughter and son.ter and son


写一篇有关父亲节的文章英语作文Dear father, today is father's day when I extremely want to show my true love from the bottom of my heart.I love you Dad ,no matter what happens,you are my dear...

写一篇关于父亲节的作文父亲,多么伟大的字眼;父爱,多么动听的旋律。亲爱的爸爸,在奔波忙碌之时,你可否觅的这样一个节日——父亲节? 今天,是我为爸爸过的第一个节日,我精心准备了一张贺卡,并用胶带在左上角...

写一篇关于动物的英语作文I have a pet dog named Lucky. It has white and soft furs with two small ears and a long tail. It is given by my aunt as my birthday. It is so friendly and lovel...

写一篇关于同桌的英语作文This is my deskmate,某某She is * years old.And she usually wears our school uniform.There are four peoples in her family.Her father is a good worker.Her mother i...

我要写一篇母亲节的作文、母亲!您老人家辛苦了,为儿女操劳了一辈子,不孝的儿子借助这最庄严的节日,向您老人家敬献上一支最馥郁最温馨的人世间最高贵的康乃馨! 苍天作证!儿子永远不会忘记您老人家的恩惠!...

写一篇关于母亲的作文不少于500字母亲 我的母亲不怎么漂亮,中等个子,一头乌黑的秀发用一个漂亮的头花扎起来。她像所有的母亲一样,深爱着自己的孩子。她那种对我从心底涌出的爱用任何语言和词汇去描写、形容,都...

写一篇关于我的母亲的作文我的母亲平时都很忙,一年里面没有几天才不太忙,可是,她一回到家里就要忙着做这做那,没有一点空闲的时间,还要在生活上和学习上关心我。 有一次,天气转暖,原来的球鞋穿上厌热,那一些...

写一篇英语作文关于广告的In our food shore ,we have french fries,ice cream,strawberries,salad,hamburger,orange,tomato on sale. All the foods on sale have optimal price. welcome to come....

写一篇关于广告的英语作文POSTER Friendly Basketball Match Under the auspices of the Recreational and Physical Culture Department of the Students' Union of our school,a friendly basketba...
