

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[希望换一个英语老师的申请书]申请书尊敬的老师: 您好!由于您的教课方法与水平使我们非常不满意。恳请您改正。如有不改我们将申请换老师。请您自重。请尊重我们的选择,也尊重您在我们心目中的位置。当然,这...+阅读


My name is zhangmei .I am 18 years old. i was born in Fuzhou, southeast China's coastal cities.

I have to study hard in school, perform well on several occasions in the contest winners, access to teachers and students praise.I am currently the student council, high-1:00 was selected as squad leader.

In June next year, graduated from Fuzhou, 9, would like to apply for access to study at Beijing University. If they are admitted, it will certainly work harder and make greater contributions to the motherland.

I hope to join in .........Ihope to hear from you soon.




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