
一篇关于 My Dream Job的英语作文

02月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[一篇关于落叶的作文]每当秋天来临的时候,那些落叶就遍地可见了。我弯下腰,拿起一片落叶,欣赏,陶醉. 随着微微的秋风一吹,那树上的叶子就落下来了,落满这个院子。那时候,你会知道树也是金色的,灿烂的阳光...+阅读

My dream job If I could do anything, what should I do? Everyone has his/her own answer, so do I. 、My dream job is to be a baker. And I really want to have my own bakery. I like all the sweet and beautiful things. Especially the food. In my heart, Cakes are so beautiful, Pastries are so sweet, bread is so nice, biscuits are so lovely .each of them has nice smelling, each of them can makes me happy. So, I hope one day I could do them by myself. Nowadays, more and more people like romantic atmosphere. They like to go to the romantic place, buy the romantic things; and eat romantic cakes. The cake is an art of history and fashion. in other words, it is romantic. Make it can mound my integrity, and everyone would like it. However, the temptation is hard to resist. Nobody could refuse the delicious food. Especially the beautiful cake. It is so sweet .children like eating it, Youngman like eating it, middle aged person like eating it and old people like eat it. When you are on your birthday party, the cake is necessary, when the valentine's day, you can buy a cake for your lover to show your love, when you get married, you can have cakes with all your friends. In the happy life, you can't live without cake. The sweet cake shows the sweet feelings. So there are many commences in this job. Every cake has its own story; make it and get the massage of it can research the history and culture of the cake. That maybe can promote me.So, I have interested in the baker, I enjoy this job and like to do it. If I have chance to be a baker, I will do my best on it!


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