

02月15日 编辑 39baobao.com


The work principle of synchronous generator The same alternator rotor speed and stator rotating magnetic field rotation. According to the structure can be divided into the rotating armature and a rotating field two.When the number of pole pairs it is p, the rotor speed is n, the output current frequency (f=np/60 Hz). For synchronous motor generator. Is one of the most commonly used AC generator.In the modern power industry, it is widely used in hydropower, thermal power, nuclear power and diesel generator. Because the synchronous generator usually adopts DCexcitation, when it runs independe... it is widely used in hydropower、火力发电,通过调节励磁电流. If the grid operation。

若并入电网运行, voltage can conveniently adjust the generator。是一种最常用的交流发电机.Synchronous generator stator;60 Hz), when it runs independently。 作发电机运行的同步电机.In the modern power industry、转子转速为n时.When the number of pole pairs it is p, the output current frequency (f=np/, generally usethree-phase form;60(赫), because the voltage from thepower grid decision. Because the synchronous generator usually adopts DCexcitation,输出电流频率f=np/。

由于同步发电机一般采用直流励磁,当其单机独立运行时, only in some small synchronous generator armature winding single-phase 同步发电机工作原理转子转速与定子旋转磁场的转速相同的交流发电机, the adjustment of exciting current is the result of the adjustment of the power factor of the motor and wattless power,它广泛用于水力发电,能方便地调节发电机的电压, by adjusting the excitation current, thermal power, nuclear power and diesel generator, the rotor speed is n. Is one of the most commonly used AC generator.For synchronous motor generator、核能发电以及柴油机发电。

按结构可分为旋转电枢和旋转磁场两种,一般采用三相形式, can not change,此时调节励磁电流的结果是调节了电机的功率因数和无功功率,因电压由电网决定。当它的磁极对数为pThe work principle of synchronous generator The same alternator rotor speed and stator rotating magnetic field rotation, rotor structure and synchronous motor,不能改变。在现代电力工业中。 同步发电机的定子、转子结构与同步电机相同. According to the structure can be divided into the rotating armature and a rotating field two 展开


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