
英语作文如何做时间的主人 80词

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[乌龟想飞的作文300字左右怎么写]乌龟想飞 乌龟在地上爬着,看见了天上飞的鸟儿,心想,要是我也能有一对翅膀,在天空翱翔该多好啊。可是,乌龟始终没有长出翅膀。 乌龟想到了一个好办法,请老鹰帮忙,带它飞上天。 老鹰...+阅读

Nowadays, students have to work harder and harder then they used to due to the study pressure in school. They spend 8 hours in school and most of their spare time at home doing homework. That's why many students don't take part in many physical activities.I would suggest that students spend more time doing physical exercise in their spare time. Playing basketball will help them not only to exercise their physical bodies but also help them t o relax their tense mind, therefore, they can learn better. Going to cinema is another way to relax. Listening to music will be very good for the students to have peace in mind after long hours hard work. Besides, they can also go out for a walk in the countryside, to get close to the nature, or do some gardening. There are many different activities the students can do in their spare time, which can really help them to relax. If they can follow these suggestions, they may learn much better than only studying without relax....


假如你有一双翅膀你会飞到哪里 300字作文我想有一双翅膀,一双能穿越时间的翅膀,我要飞回那繁华的大唐,看那歌舞升平,听那笙歌悠扬。我要看贞观之治绽放出的光华,看太白笔下那穿行的华章。我要看李渊如何得到天下,看文成公...

想象作文会飞的房子谢谢!以下范文挺不错的,相信你能从中受到启发。 会飞的房子 我们现在住的房子只能固定在一个位置,局限在一个环境内,生活环境很单调。 将来我要让房子变成可以移动的,想住在那个城市...

假如我会飞作文 400字快要写的很好!我只会超一点点其我想飞—优秀作文 安静的时侯,思绪总会不自觉地飘向虚幻。想像亿万年前抑或是百年后的地球;想像神秘的外星人就隐藏在自己身边;想像世界末日突然来临;想像一切不着边际的事情…...

做自己时间的主人作文纯手打,LZ不给分就太不道德了。 给我一点空间吧!让我在这个空间里尽情欢快尽情悲伤,不需要别人的监督与打扰。%D%A 妈妈,请给我一点空间吧,不要拉开我的抽屉,不要翻看我的日记,不要...


做时间的主人读后感作文7月3日,我读了一篇文章——《做时间的主人》,读完后,我思绪万千。 文章主要讲了卡尔·华尔德是“我”的钢琴老师,他告诉“我”一有空,就弹几分钟钢琴,这样钢琴就成了“我”生活中...

英语作文如何做时间的主人带翻译1、英语文章: Nowadays, students have to work harder and harder then they used to due to the study pressure in school. They spend 8 hours in school and most of th...

如何做时间的主人英语作文It seems that we all want a few extra hours a week to get through everything we want to. When was the last time you found yourself saying that you'll do somethi...

八十个词的英语作文题目:做时间的主人The importance of time As a proverb says, "Time ismoney." But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money. Why?Because when money is spent, we can earn i...
