[作文自信是我的名片的范文]我,一个普通的中学生,没有什么特别出众的地方,但是有一点特别令我引以为豪,那便是我的自信,这也因此成为我的名片。 霸气,源于自信 “又要体育中考了,我的立定跳远还没过呢!”听着同...+阅读
Today, along with the boom in the economy, traveling overseas tends to be widespread. Someone tends to support that foreign tourists should pay more for visiting a country's tourist attractions than local people: but I disagree with this opinion.This proposal may conduce to unfairness or inequality, and will inevitably lead to a vicious circle. As is known to all, historic attractions are owned by all human beings and should be shared by people from all over the world equally. Once this suggestion is implemented, an unfavourable impression of this country would be formed in no time. Consequently, there may be a trend that foreign travellers may never come again and those who gain this negative information may alter their travelling schedule and choose the places of historic and cultural values which treat them without discrimination.Admittedly, it is undeniable that this decision will increase me local fiscal revenues in a short term and the local government would have sufficient budget to allocate for the maintenance of facilities in and outside the tourist attractions: which will boost the local tourism in return. Actually, in a long term, charging foreign visitors more may impede the development of local tourism due to a substantial loss of foreign tourists in the future/Taking all these factors into account: I believe that it is not a wise decision to charge foreign visitors more and it is highly suggested that everyone should be treated equally. In fact charging without bias is beneficial to the dissemination of a country's opinion.
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