

02月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于搞笑童话故事的作文550字作文]从前,山脚小有一个小猫洞,洞里住着一只山脚下有一老猫和一只小猫。 小猫刚出生不久,老猫非常爱护他。每天为他梳妆、觅食,忙得不知歇息。 日子一天天过去了,老猫一天天地变老了,小...+阅读

Looing back,I have no exciting thing and successful thing, just led a simple and plain life. Now 2010 has come, so I should make a plan for it.

In the first place, I should keep a healthy and slim body, as the saying goes: the body is the capital of revolution. Last year I gained a little weight, most of the fat has been increased on the belly. So my stomach is so round. In order to get rid of those carnosity, I should insist on exercising.At the same time, I should take care the banlace of the nutriton. So don't be particular about food.

Explanding my knowledge, this May I will have a very importment test, so I must pass, so I exert myself into the preparation.Don't be so lazy. Do a beautiful and intelligent girl.

Earn more money, not for myself, just for my parents. They grow older, wrinkle goes up on their cheeks stealthly, and black hairs gradually turn grey. They contrbute all their life to the children, it's time for us to take care of them, and let them lead a comfortable life. My aim is to buy a endownment insurance for them.

When I am available, I should learn other thing different from the current field.

At last, this year is my Benming nian (one's year of birth considered in relation to the Twelvve Trrestrial Branches), so I hope it is good to me.and it will bring me the good news! Thank goodness!


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