[我喜欢铃兰花作文!紧急!!!]我从未见过真正的铃兰花,但我却很喜欢它。在一年级时,一个偶然的机会,使我与它结下了不解之缘。 那天,语文课,我们上了第14课,里面介绍了铃兰花。一听到这个美丽的名字,又看到课文...+阅读
Winter is a fascinating season, winter white, winter there are many children's laughter. I love this beautiful winter。Winter is the season of snow flying, snowman winter home, winter is the kids playing five-a good time to battle the snow.Winter, people are wearing a thick coat, handsome men wear coat, down jacket ladies wear beautiful. Winter, kids can enjoy a snowball fightWinter is a fascinating season, winter white, winter there are many children's laughter. I love this beautiful winter.
小学6年级上册语文第八单元作文我喜欢一首歌:逆战“池塘边的榕树下,知了在声声叫着夏天……”儿时,我常常坐在妈妈腿上唱这首歌。 童年,一个多么亲切的词语。它,是多么短暂,多么容易失去,因此才显得那么美。 童年的梦是一条五彩的...
我喜欢的一本书读后感400 500我喜爱的一本书 学校:满洲里市逸夫小学 班级:五年一班 姓名:王澜霏 指导教师 : 常雪娇 要问我喜爱的书,那可多的是。但是,在这么多书中,我还是喜欢这 本书。 在暑假里我读了一本叫...
我最喜欢的运动英语作文My Favourite SportOf all the sports,I like swimming best.I think swimming is interesting.It can build up my body too.In summer,I usually go to swim with my clas...
英语作文我最喜欢的运动Football is my favorite sport. Every time I play football with my classmates in the playground, we are very excited. During this summer vacation, I usually play...
用英文写一篇关于喜欢EXO的文章展开全部 My favorite band EXO is a Korean Boy Band. There are 12 members in total and equally divided into to bands, EXO-M which stands for EXO-Mandarin, and EX...
我喜欢的卡通形象熊大作文100字写作思路:熊大是卡通片中的一个非常招人喜欢的角色,通过对熊大的责任心和有能力等方面描写,然后叙述为什么喜欢熊大。 正文: 从4岁开始我就迷上了动画片,我经常看《熊出没》、《...
我的小伙伴作文500字女生喜欢唱歌在我的记忆里有很多小伙伴,但是最令我佩服的是孙颖同学。 孙颖有着一头乌黑发亮的头发,一对浓黑的眉毛,一双水汪汪有神的大眼睛镶嵌在她那可爱的脸上,她比较瘦,用我妈妈的话来说...
200字作文我喜欢的小动物《兔子》 我喜欢的一种小动物,它,全身毛绒绒的,毛呈黑色,两只长耳朵老是竖起来,三瓣嘴儿吃起草来挺可爱,它就是我最喜欢的一种小动物——兔子。当爸爸从外面抓来一只野兔时,我特别...
我喜欢冬天英语作文i like winter best, because in winter , i can play snowball and make a snowman with my friends. it snows in winter, it is often very pretty! in the winter, i ca...