

02月12日 编辑 39baobao.com


This is a very cute, heartwarming and postivie and uplifting movie. i loved watching it over and over again-it's very uplifting. It is a very postive movie-which there isn't a lot of in today's world. There is a good reason why this movie is so good-because it's funny and classic and a good movie about a young girl who finds herself. The plot is this: it's about a dorky girl named Mia who deals with highs school and the mean girls and cliques at her school and is also very shy. She finds out one day from her regal grandmother that she is a princess of a small Euorpean country. This makes her sort of fearful and she doesn't want to be a princess anyway since she can't lead anything not in camp fire girls or Brownies or anything. She is afraid, and runs off. Her grandmother goes after her and convinces her she should do it. She agrees, and she gets princess lessons from her royal grandmother. She transforms and becomes cool and proper and beautiful. She becomes the queen at the end and decides to take the throne. I hate Julie Andrews though-she stinks. I hate "Marry Poppins" and I can't stand the woman. I love Anne Hathaway-she is beautiful and amazing to watch. This is actually a cute and funny movie.


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