

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[站在起跑线上刚上初3话题作文]光阴似箭,日月如梭!时光的匆匆给我们带来了第十二个开始,也是小学最后一个开始。在小学的最后的一个寒假梦幻般地过去了,停留的快乐只能在回忆中享受。 这将又是一次“赛跑”,十...+阅读

How to Overcome shadow

All people like to view themselves in a positive light. No one likes to be considered a failure or a lesser human being. But everyone has weaknesses. Most of the time people tend to ignore their weakness and focus on showcasing their positive attributes. There is nothing wrong with showing your positive attributes but you can't ignore your weaknesses.

When people ignore the things that they are bad at, it tends to come back on them later in life. Let's make an example of this situation. Some people are excellent writers. But when it comes to talking to people, in a face to face situation, they are a walking, talking disaster. Communication is a revered and necessary skill. One can never expect to get through life without the ability to communicate a point verbally. As human beings, our complex communication skills put us far beyond any other animal. Because human beings can communicate math, history, science, sociology and a wealth of other subjects many things never get lost. We can make improvements in our society sheerly through the communication of thoughts and principles. When we ignore a skill / weakness we deprive ourselves and one another of gains that can be made through our own individual improvement.

Overcoming a weakness is very much akin to getting in shape. You have to work at it to become stronger. If you aren't good at something, make it a point to do what it takes to figure out how to improve your weakness. Go to Barnes and Nobles. Look for books that contain subject matter that focus on your weakness. Seek out web pages of people who are experts in the field which you are trying to improve in. All in all though, the greatest way to improve your weakness is just to jump in and try what you are bad at. Practice it. You will become better. That's only human nature. The more you work at it the better you will get at it.


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站在新的起跑线上作文当太阳冲破地平线,放射出万丈光芒时,这是新的起点;当一个婴儿呱呱坠地,开始第一声哭喊时,这是新的起点;当我们踏上初三的列车,开始一年的奋斗旅程时,这也是新的起点! 或许,你会为过去...


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以起跑线为题写一篇作文600字左右当太阳冲破地平线,放射出万丈光芒时,这是新的起点;当一个婴儿呱呱坠地,开始第一声哭喊时,这是新的起点;当我们踏上初三的列车,开始一年的奋斗旅程时,这也是新的起点! 或许,你会为过去...
