

02月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[语文书四年级下册第四单元作文]孤独的孩子 1937年8月28日,天黑沉沉的,太阳被层层的乌云遮住了。但在上海的火车南站还是热热闹闹的,准备乘火车出发的人们一点儿也没有注意到,一小队全副武装的日本士兵正向火车...+阅读

pie chart The piecharts show changes in American spending patterns between 1966 and 1996. Food and cars made up the two biggest items of expenditure in both years. Together they comprised over half of household spending. Food accounted for 44% of spending in 1966, but this dropped by two thirds to 14% in 1996. However, the outlay on cars doubled, rising from 23% in 1966 to 45% in 1996. Other areas changed significantly. Spending on eating out doubled, climbing from 7% to 14%. The proportion of salary spent on computers increased dramatically, up from 1% in 1996 to 10% in 1996. However, as computer expenditure rose, the percentage of outlay on books plunged from 6% to 1%. Some areas remained relatively unchanged. Americans spent approximately the same amount of salary on petrol and furniture in both years. In conclusion, increased amounts spent on cars, computers, and eating out were made up for by drops in expenditure on food and books.


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