
关于暑假给学生请家教的利弊性英语作文 80至120字左右

02月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[浅谈网络利弊高中作文800字]亲爱的网友、博友们,大家好!我是你们的网友快乐叶子,今天我们的语文老师布置了一篇作文,是以“网络利弊谈”为话题,现在我暂无材料,还请大家帮忙。急!…… 电子邮件:biy...+阅读

During the summer holidays, many parents will hire some teachers to teach their children at home. They hope their children can learn better and get highter marks in this way. I think everything has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are: students can learn something during the holidays. They can't play every day all the time. They have to spend some time studying. That is good. Also if the teacher is experienced and good, the students can learn much more than in class. Then the students can learn more and know more. It helps them a lot when they go back to school. But the disadvantages are: Sometimes the parents hire someone who is not strict with students or not experienced. Their children can't learn much, maybe they will get wrong knowledge. This will do harm to their future study. So I think before hiring some teachers, parents should know the teacher well.


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