
英语作文高中关于运动会 120字原创!

02月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[帮我写一篇去旅行的英语作文]我的云南之旅(MyTriptoYunnan) FinallyhavethetimeandmyparentsflytoYunnantravel.Thisisthesouthofthecountry.Thisisaverybeautifulplace-themountains,cleanriversandgoodp...+阅读

Last week,our school held a ssport-meeting.We all enjoyed it very much.

Whenever the athletic of my class had a competition,we all classes shouted to cheer them up.And if a match got finished,we were also very streesed to know the rank .There were also some classmates to take photos of us.Some of the photos were so funny that we all laughed.In the end of the sport-meeting,we took a photo that all my friends in,we were happy to do that.

Our class got a very good grade at last. It was an unforgettable experience in my life.



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