
以 My house为题写篇英语作文

02月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急急急 ! my pet英语作文]Recently, three owls appeared suddenly on our campus They made me think of my pet from childhood When I was little, we had an owl at home It was small, gray, an...+阅读

Hello, my name is Zhu Lie. I live in a new house now. There are three bedrooms, a sitting room,a bathroom, a study, a kitchen, a bright dining room and a large garden. Now, let's go to my bedroom. It's small but bright. There is a picture on the wall. Under the window, there's a desk. I often do my homework there.You can see a lamp and a lot of books on my desk.At desk,is a commuter. Beside the disk, there is a bed.There are some lovely dolls on it. Near the bed, there is a bookcase. I lke my beautiful bedroom very much.


英语作文50字关于My PetI have a pet dog. It's neither tall nor short. It has a long tail and white fur. It's so lovely that we all like it very much. I often take it out for a walk an...

以my pet为题英语作文要求不少于50字奉贤精锐英语邵老师为你解答: I have a pet. I named him Nicholas. Nicholas is a pure Husky dog. He was about 8 weeks when he first came to my home. We will have hi...

七年级作文以爱为题 700字左右爱是冬日里的一缕阳光,使饥寒交迫的人感到格外的温暖;爱是沙漠里的一口清泉,使口干舌燥的人重新燃起了希望之火;爱更是久旱大地上的一场倾盆大雨,是孤苦无依的人得到温暖的慰籍。...



My house英语作文My house Hello, my name is Zhu Lie. I live in a new house now. There are three bedrooms, a sitting room,a bathroom, a study, a kitchen, a bright dining room and...

my house英语作文不少于九句话My name is Joe.I come from England.I live in a very big house with my parents.Now let me show you my house. This is the living room.I like to sit on the couch t...

怎么写英语作文 myHouseMy house Look!This is my house.It's very beautiful!Look!There is a sofa in the livingroom.The sofa is red and white.I like red.And it's my favourite colour.And...

英语作文:my house怎么写I live in a new house now .There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room and a large sitting-room. There' a desk beside my bed. On...
