
谁能给我英语作文my pet

02月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[一件有意义的事作文300字左右]记一件有意义的事 回忆起来,我所做的有意义的事情数不胜数。其中有一件事让我想起来就喜不自禁。 那是几年春节前的一天下午,因为快过春节了,街道和马路上热闹非凡。当时我正在...+阅读

简单点的 My Pet My Pet is a dog.His name is Bob.He is two years old.He is yellow and very fat.He has two big eyes.And he wears a black coat.I always play with him. My mother and my sister look after him every day. When I come back ,he often walk around me.He is very cute and friendly.I love him very much. Do you like him?难点的 My Pet When I was little I loved animals. Although most children have pets,I could not convince my parents into allowing me to have one until my pre teens.I could not have been happier the day my family went to the pound and I pickedout my dog Skippy. Skippy loved to run and he was loyal to me and I will neverforget the day I lost him. My mom and I would take Skippy for a run after school some times. Wedrove down Parker Rd. to an undeveloped neighborhood with a street thatresembled a quarter mile race track. As we neared the ghostly street my dogwould pace frantically almost unable to contain his enthusiasm. Once we let himout my mom drove around the street three or four times as Skippy chased uslike a Gray hound chasing the rabbit at a race track. One time my mom took Skippy along to Golden on one of her visits to herchiropractor. He ran his business out of his house that sat on a fairly largepiece of land. My mom felt it would be OK to let Skippy run around thechiropractors land while she took her appointment. Later that evening my momcame to pick me up at my friend's house. When I got in the truck she told meSkippy never came back after her appointment. As we drove back to Golden to seeif my dog returned I remember thinking I would trade anything if I could onlyhave my dog back. As we neared the house I saw Skippy in our head lights waginghis tail like an angel. When my parents decided to get divorced they wanted to sell our houseand move to separate apartments. I didn't think about it at first but soonrealized I would have to part with my beloved dog. After a few months offighting over the issue with my parents we came to an agreement. My mom told meshe had a friend who lives on a farm and was willing to take Skippy in. Idecided if I had to let my dog go, a farm is the only place I'd send him. Mymom took Skippy to her friend's house and when she got home I made her call outto the farm to see if Skippy was OK. Her friend said Skippy had run off andhadn't returned. Skippy never came back to that farm. I still think about my old dog from time to time. It's funny howattached you can get to animals. I felt Skippy was part of my family just asimportant as the other members. For a child that only had one pet I don't thinkI could have had a better friend.


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