

02月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以真了不起为题写一篇作文]他真了不起 他.一张长方脸,两道弯眉毛,一双大眼睛,一个小鼻子,还有一张能说会道的小嘴儿. 为何说他了不起?这还得让我一一道来. 在我的印象中,记得有一次,老师在下课前出了一道思考...+阅读

Recently, a large number of affairs about sexual assault were disclosed and reported by mass media. As far as I am concerned, people should get some enlightenment from these affairs, such as enhancing and strengthening education in self-protection awareness, especially for children and students.最近,有很多关于性侵的事件媒体揭露和报道。我认为人们应该从这些事件中得到一些启示,比如,提高和加强自我保护意识教育,特别是对于儿童和学生。

Children and students are hurt most in this kind of affairs. As a result, to enhance and strengthen their self-protection awareness is indispensable. In addition, to strengthen the awareness of defending danger is also important. If they can realize the potential danger from someone or something before it happens, they can make some preparations to avoid the danger and reduce the rate of being hurt.因这类事件伤害最大的是儿童和学生。

因此,提高和加强自我保护意识是必须的。此外,加强防范危险的意识也是很重要的。如果他们能在事情发生前意识到某人或某事的潜在危险,他们就可以做一些准备来以避免和减少受伤率。Therefore, I advocate that parents should help their children develop self-protection awareness from birth, such as designing some situation for them to cope with. In addition, parents should teach their children to recognize the danger and how to avoid and reduce the danger from outside. Besides, children also need to develop an excellent ability of observation. 因此,我认为父母应该帮助他们的孩子从出生开始就培养自我保护意识,比如,设计一些情况来让他们应付。

父母还应该教导孩子认识危险,如何避免和减少来自外界的危险。此外,孩子也需要培养优秀的观察能力。In a word, to protect children needs both the effort of parents and children themselves.总之,保护儿童需要家长和孩子他们自己的努力。


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