

02月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请以旅游为话题写一篇作文题目自拟]树的人生 树的生命是循环往复的,一切都在悄无声息中进行。春夏秋冬,花开花落,云舒云卷,生命便在无意中延续,树也在年年岁岁中重复它的人生。 我家窗外就有一颗树,是很普通的一种树...+阅读

That one day, I must go to the Luohu young people palace school English. Has been on vacation from school, past 10:00 I move toward station there to go by car, joy scenery middle school that station is left over me also to have several male in there also in and so on vehicles. as soon as 238 automobiles come, two men rush immediately. I slowly ground, because I do not like with others snatching the position. Behind two men push behind me. Front that two men said to the driver: “here may not need to throw the coin? On our body does not have the pocket money, how to manage?”I was thinking at that time: Is how so bothersome! 238 are originally throws the coin! Also spoke that many idle talk.”I in middle am pushed by the around two people have not gasped for breath. Suddenly, has a hand to flee in my pants pocket to want to steal the thing, I thought immediately they are a group, they are the pickpockets. I put out a hand immediately that pickpocket's hand which hits my pants pocket, he receives immediately. At that time, frightens me half dead. The driver knew that they are a group, therefore the driver is called them to walk loudly, front two pickpockets are willing to walk. I am pushed finally, as soon as I board judgment looking at I who the entire vehicle's people use curiously to feel sorry. After I sit down, has an aunt to ask me: “what did you have a moment ago by the pickpocket were stolen away?”I said: “not.”I put out a moment ago in the pants pocket wristwatch which traced. Then, I said: “they thought that my wristwatch are the handset, the drum drum, they only then pay attention to me, which pickpocket traced my pants pocket time a moment ago, I immediately retracted.”Aunt said: “you are luckily intelligent, otherwise the wristwatch are not willing to let off continually.”Gets the home, I will tell me this matter the family member, daddy also teach I certainly to call loudly next time. Evening, sleeps time. Thought is dug up by the pickpocket, I am pleasantly surprised, is saved from death likely such happiness. 那一天,我要去罗湖青少年宫学英语。

放学了,10点多我走向车站那里坐车,怡景中学那个站剩下我还有几个男的在那里也在等车。 238的汽车一来,有两个男人马上冲上去。我就慢慢地上去,因为我不喜欢跟别人抢位置。后面又有两个男人在我后面挤。前面那两个男人跟司机说:“这里可以不用投币吗?我们身上没有零钱,怎么办啊?”那时我在想:怎么那么烦啊!238本来就是投币的嘛!还说那么多的废话。


我坐下来以后,有个阿姨问我:“你刚才有没有被扒手偷走了什么啊?”我说:“没有啊。”我拿出刚才被摸的裤袋里的手表。然后,我说:“他们以为我的手表是手机,鼓鼓的,他们才注意我,刚才哪个扒手摸我的裤袋的时候,我就马上缩回去了。”阿姨说:“幸亏你聪明,不然连手表也不肯放过啊。” 回到家,我把这件事告诉我家里人,爸爸还教我下次一定要大声叫。

晚上,睡觉的时候。想到被扒手扒的时候,我又惊又喜,像死里逃生那样的开心。 我想这件是回深深刻在我的脑袋里 I thought that this is returns deeply profoundly in mine head


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