

02月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[捡拾温暖的作文800字]虽然幸福是无形的,但给予幸福的人所做的一切是有形的。 如今我们的幸福来之不易,幸福究竟是从何而来呢?正当我们不知不觉的时候,幸福悄然地来到我们的身边。也许幸福并不想告诉...+阅读

To Be myself

Many people would wonder what does it mean to be ourselves, why people keep saying the phrase "try to be yourself".

To be oneself has always been a popular topic widely discussed by the society.What defines me and how would I know if I am doing it correctly has always been a puzzle.

First of all you shouldn't have to try to be yourself. Being yourself is about being driven by your soul and taking action based on your intuition, rather than on what impresses others. You can't try to be yourself, it defeats the purpose.

Being yourself is not about who other people think you are. It is possible that when others say you are not being yourself, you actually are, but you are not being the person they are use to you pretending to be. We are more in touch with ourselves when we live our lives in the moment with very little worry about what others think.

I used to be constantly trying to keep up with stereotype, the social influences on how to be myself. I have become so exhausted trying to adjust my image and eventually I gave in to the demand.

Now I believe, to be myself, is to just do whatever my body & soul tells me to do. Whatever makes me happy, whatever makes me feel free. I will not restrict myself.

By doing this, I truly believe, will make me a content person.


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