

02月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以巜我得到了勇敢为题写一篇500字的作文]我得到了勇气作文 在人生这条漫长的路上,我们要经历许多次的锻炼、磨练与考验,世间万物,只有不断的尝试,才能取得成功。正是这一次次的锻炼,让我从牙牙学语走向成熟,让我这朵小小...+阅读

My college life I am proud of being a college student. I like my college life as it is so wonderful time in my youth. As being born in small village of the remote countryside, I didn't have a good education environment. However, I set a goal and felt confident to be a college student. After hard study, I passed the entrance examination of national college by excellent achievement. All people were proud of me, as I was the first college student in my village. I was farewell warmly by them when I came to school. I was warmly welcome by school, too. After then, I've felt my study is not only for myself but also for the honor of my village neighborhood and our school. The college life is wonderful. All life in school are fresh. New teachers, new classmates and fresh friends are around me. I've felt their friendship, wide knowledge and opening mind. The grand library, school buildings and wide playground are very attracting to me. I am very eager to learn much knowledge quickly. In high school, I was ever called as a runner before time. Now,I know I am behind time so much in fact. I hope to catch up with the time by my hard studying. Every day, you can see me get up early, doing exercise hard and go to school the first one. At night, I am the one who leaves away the library.


作文题目那次我得到了原谅500字那次,我得到了原谅 作为一个常常犯错误的孩子,免不了会遭到毒打,可那次,我却得到了他的原谅。 我是一个爱吃小零食的馋嘴巴,常常对橱窗里的巧克力豆、冰棒流口水,所以我经常忍不住...

以我得到了什么为题写篇五百字作文得到了收获 - 我曾经受到过很多次表扬,但是我记得最清楚的那一次,是在我小学六年级的时候,受到的一次表扬。 那是在期末复习阶段,快放学了,老师正在为我们留作业:“作一张题单,作...

得到了 500字作文得到了掌声 回忆是一个天空,而最刻骨铭心的事就是天空里的一颗星星。 记得三年级的时候,那时的我是最没自信的,每次上语文课的时候,我总想高高的举起我的手回答老师的问题,但是...

半命题作文:我得到了什么500字得到了关爱 每个人得到过母亲或父亲对自己或多或少的关爱,我也不例外。特别是母亲对我的关爱,那可是称的上是无微不至、含辛茹苦。而到现在,我都无法忘却那一件事,也由于那件...

大学300字美文摘抄青春励志一生定要美丽一次 生长在非洲荒漠地带的依米花,默默无闻,少有人注意过它。许多旅人以为它只是一株草而已。但是,它会在一生中的某个清晨突然绽放出美丽的花朵。 那是无比绚丽的...

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求一篇大学学生会文娱部的介绍 300字文娱部主要是积极配合学校组织好各类文娱活动,并结合实际提出丰富学生文娱活动的可行性方案的负责部门。因此文娱部工作的顺利开展,对学生会今后的发展也有着不可忽视的重要性...

要一篇大学三年计划的文章 300500字谢谢啊我的大学三年计划 三年 计划 时间过的好快,大学生活已经过了三分之一 现在我应该总结一下前三分之一时间的学习与生活,也应该好好计划一下剩下时间的利用与安排。 一开始上大...

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