

02月03日 编辑 39baobao.com


A:Excuse me,where's the Green Hotel?B:Go down the street,you will find there's a department store.The road behind the store goes to a housing estate.In front of the housing estate,there is a street.Go across the street and go straight,then you'll find there's a crossroad.Then turn left,you'll see a large building there.That's the Green Hotel.A:Thank you very much. 翻译A:请问格林饭店在哪里?B:沿着这条街走,你将发现有一家百货公司。百货公司后面的那条路是通往一片住宅区的。住宅区前面有一条街。穿过那条街并笔直走下去,然后你将会发现那里有一个十字路口。然后左转,你将看到一个很大的建筑物在那里。那就是格林饭店了。A:非常感谢你。 写得很简单 希望能够帮到你...


英语作文写我喜欢秋天的写5句话作文热点Autumn is my favourite season. In autumn, you can enjoy many kinds of activieits, such as flying a kite in the park, riding a bike around the lake, going on an...

我最喜欢秋天英语作文29个单词like autumn 我喜欢秋天 I Love AutumnI like autumn. I love the falling leaves in autumn. They cover the ground with golden yellow. When you walk on them, they ru...


求一篇我最喜欢的季节是秋天的英语作文。。100的字数。a wonderful weather day One day, i told to my sister that" i went to party tomorrow ,and could you please go with me?"My sister say that i don't like the weather...

指路英语作文怎么写Yesterday afternoon at the railway station, a stranger asked me the way to the First Middle School. I told him it was very easy to find his way to the school....

有关指路的一篇英语作文Hi friend,I have here two choice of transport to the shopping mall you wish to be.First is to take the bus,but you would have to take a connecting bus and walk...

跪求一篇关于指路的英语作文 60个单词明天考试急用go ahead around /keep on walking roughly_meters , walk along this street/road , you will reach/see _, (and then) turn right/left , _is /are just on your left/ri...

一篇英语指路作文怎么写Yesterday afternoon at the railway station, a stranger asked me the way to the First Middle School. I told him it was very easy to find his way to the school....

帮忙写一篇指路英语作文初一水平My home is near your home. First, turn right into Water Srteet and walk along Water Street. Next, turn right into Park Road and walk along Park Road. Then, turn...
