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3rdJuly2010 XindiProductsandServicesCo.,Ltd XXXX(address) Dearourvaluedcustomers, XindiCompanyhasprovidedqualityservicesandproductsatareasonableprice.Wearecurrentlyfacedwithaterriblechoice,achoicethatwehavetriedtoavoiditfortwoyears.Duetothepricesofcertainmaterialsinthemarketaredrasticallyraised,wemustchoosenowbetweencompromisingonqualityandraisingourprices. Wedonotlikeeitherchoice,butweunderstandthatyouhavechosentodobusinesswithusbecausewefulfillyourneeds.Inordertocontinuesatisfyingyou,wehavedecidedtoraiseourpricessowecanmaintainourhighstandardandqualityproductsandservicessothatwecancontinuetofindnewavenuestoincreaseourqualitylevel. Wewishtothankyouforyourvaluedaccountandknowthatyouwillunderstandthenecessityforthispriceincrease.Attachedwithapricelistofourproductswithsomeofthemshallbemaintainedwithoutanyadjustment. Weapologizeforanyinconveniencecaused.Pleasecallmeat 888888888shouldyouhaveanyproblemorconcernwhichwehavenotaddressedwiththisletter.Yourcontinuoussupportisgreatlyappreciated.Thankyou. Yourssincerely, DingChiMunSalesandServiceManager


写一篇关于自己的英语作文My Chinese name is #, and my English is #.I am thirteen years old.I am a happy girl/boy.I like singing and reading. My favourite food is KFC. English and Chines...

my的英语作文怎么写Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to huashan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowe...

我的一篇英语作文My attitude is not very intersted to study english.because I find it hard to learn. I behave a serious and polite manner of my Junior high class in english less...

求一篇英语作文。Look, came across a girl, combed her long ponytail, melon seeds like faceembedded with a pair of curved eyebrows, small eyes, a small mouth, smiles also has two...

英语作文加结尾急On weeekends,I always do my homework.I usually watch TV and do some reading.Sometimes,I do some exercise. I hardly clean my bedroom and I never do any shopping....

英语作文的结尾如果说“如此结论”是结尾最没用的废话,那么“如此建议”应该是最有价值的废话了,因为这里虽然也是废话,但是却用了一个很经典的虚拟语气的句型。拽! Obviously, it is high tim...

帮忙出个英语作文结尾The moon is the brightest this night. People ate the delicious food while they were enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old people...

英语作文只要写个结尾!高手来!On the other hand. A name is not only the sign from our parents, but also a special sign of ourselves. On the one hand, having our own name can help us being ea...

求一篇英语信函作文Dear Mr.and Mrs.Tim Smith, I am greatly honored to formally invite you to participate in a costume dance held at Holiday Inn at 9p.m on Friday, the 1st Septembe...
