

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以他们为题的作文800]天是那样高那样的蓝,蔚蓝的天空中一丝云也没有。秋风拂过,有些许的凉意,凉飕飕的,舒服极了。这是个出游休闲的好时间。 恰逢十一,放七天假,不少人都计划好去那里玩。可曾想过那只...+阅读

Dear Mr.Li,

Last Sunday,I went to do some reading in your library. Although,I like your library very much.I also foung something wrong during my reading the book.So,I want you tosolve these problems as soon as possible.First of all,there are a few new books in the library.In my opinion,if a library has the more new books,the more people will come to there.Second,too many books had been mixed.These will bring too many troubles for us to finding the useful books.Third,there is a light was broken down.I hope that you would tear it down instead of a new one.Fina--lly,I found some managers were always talking about something together.It is so bad that we even don't want to go to the library again.As a student,I think it is necessary to tell these to you.

So,for the sake of readers,Isuggest that you change all these as soon as possible.


Li Hua


他们为题的作文想到这些生活在城市边缘的农民工们,虽然我们每天都与他们擦肩而过,但我们却很少关注。 因为我们总认为他们是来自落后的农村,没有城市人的富有和聪明,没有城市人的文明和高雅,没...

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