
有关禁烟令的英语作文 80词

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[邀请同学来体育中心看音乐会的英语作文要求一要有邀请同学的内容]dear jim thank you for your inviting.i am sorry ,i can't listen to music with you .this week i am very busy.on monday,i am going to see the dentist,because i ha...+阅读

Smoking bans (or smoke-free laws) are public policies, including criminal laws and occupational safety and health regulations, that prohibit tobacco smoking in workplaces and other public spaces. Legislation may also define smoking as more generally being the carrying or possessing of any lit tobacco product.

The rationale for smoking bans posits that smoking is optional, whereas

breathing is not. Therefore, proponents say, smoking bans are enforced

to protect people from the effects of second-hand smoke, which include an increased risk of heart disease, cancer, emphysema, and other diseases. Laws implementing bans on indoor smoking have been introduced by many countries in various forms over the years, with some legislators

citing scientific evidence that shows tobacco smoking is harmful to the

smokers themselves and to those inhaling second-hand smoke.


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