

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[谁是我的榜样六百字作文急急急!!]我的榜样 上课没多久就下起了蒙蒙细雨,那陶醉人的雨声让我不时的向窗外望去,雨滴如线一般往下落,交织成了一幅画。 放学了,雨仍旧下着,我心里可着急了:我没带伞,也没带钱怎么办啊?我...+阅读

网络的利与弊。。英语作文 Internet is an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities, etc. At present, most of people can use computer for working, chatting, playing game, watching the movie and picture, and searching anything by clicking on Internet. Internet is useful assistant for leading you to another world which amazing thing. I think Internet has advantage and disadvantage. Advantage of Internet is that you can do anything that you want on Internet when it was connected to independent world such as download data, programs, game, picture etc. But Internet has risk to receive spy ware, it attempts to disable or delete anti-spy ware tool and suppress warning massages given to users, it damages your data or system in your computer. Moreover, you have risk to find the bad persons when chat in chat room especially women. You can found the crime news on the newspapers. The news said they have many victim from chatting with unknown people by the victim were believed implicitly. In conclusion, many people still use Internet because it is useful and comfortable. Inernet has been an important part in our life.With the help of Inernet we can develop the effective of our study or job. For example , we can learn more knowledge about the world from the Inernet.And as the youngs in 21st centery,the skill of using the Internet has been the most necessary point for us.But there are risks in it.A lot of youngners lost themselves in the data world and can not catch up with others in study.They'd like to be the best in the games instead of in hard-working.In my own point,I think Internet has more advantages than disadvantages. People should make the most use of it so that it can been useful not harmful.


班里的好榜样有关的作文 600字我们班里有许多乐于助人的“模范”,他们都是老师选的,要求我们以他们为榜样,认真学习。 先说说“爱读书模范”——郑佳敏。 她确实很爱看书。每次课间,大家都出去玩了,而她一个人...


作文:榜样600字他,挚爱学习,乐于助人,他是谁呢?他就是我的榜样——李田园。 他对学习不但非常入迷,而且非常认真。说他是一个狂热型的书虫一点也不过分。他最好的挚友当然也是——书。有一次,我...

求一篇600字作文榜样我的榜样就是我的妈妈,我的妈妈不但善解人意,而且还是个数学小行家。 记得有一次,我们全家刚吃完饭,妈妈就告诉我:“今天你要洗碗哦”!于是,我先把碗筷收到厨房里,然后把饭桌擦一擦,...

快乐六一作文 300字急急急急急急急急急六一儿童节,全世界儿童的节日,是我们最为期待的节日, 是儿童的盛宴。我们欢庆着属于自己的美好时光。记得去年的儿童节,我也是在校园里度过了愉快美好的一天。至今仍记忆犹新。...


六一儿童节作文300字按时间顺序五年级昨天,是我们小朋友们最喜欢的节日,那就是六一儿童节。在这一天,我们每个班都要表演一个节目,一二年级表演的是广播体操,三四年级表演的是集体舞,歌名 叫《泼水歌》,而五、六年级是...

求一篇英语作文谈网络的利与弊The modern social development, already achieved the unprecedented high level of dependency regarding the Internet. Network, has brought formidable and the power...

英语作文关于网络利弊Everything lives with opposing forces. The same can be said for Internet. As a new-born information delivering system, Internet has ushered in a new era of info...
