
英语作文 Doing Our Part不乱扔垃圾

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我拒绝长大作文500字]每个人都会长大,每个人都认为长大后会自由自在,然而我却认为长大后并没有想象中的那么好,我拒绝长大. 长大了会有很多的烦恼,因为长大了,每天都得起早贪黑的工作.可是小孩子多好...+阅读

It is said that all men are born equal. This is true when it comes to the rights of human. However, not all of us have the same abilities. Some people are good at this, while others are good that. Everyone has his or her advantages and disadvantages. What matters most is how we can do our part and serve the people.

If you are patient and good at English, you can choose to be an English teacher. If you are very athletic, you can choose to be a sportsman and entertain the audience. If you are are good at nothing, at least you can choose not to give others too much trouble.

If all of us can do our part, the world will become better and more harmonious.


作文我不想长大或我想长大我不想长大 前段时间,有一首流行的歌,叫做《不想长大》,那首歌唱出了许多人的心声:“我不想,我不想,不想长大,长大后世界就没童话;我不想,我不想,我不想长大,我宁愿永远都笨又傻……”...

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