

02月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[my dream英语作文小学作文三年级]My Dream Everyone has his dream. My dream is to be a famous doctor in the future. I like to help patients and let them healthy. The doctor's work will be busy b...+阅读

March 6th, sunny

Today was very sunny. I went shopping in a shop. At that moment, a couple from Amreica came in. They wanted to buy a pair of trousers. But the shop assistant didn't understand their meaning. So they were very worried. Then I went to help them. I told the shop assistant that they wanted to buy a pair of trousers. The shop assistant then helped them to choose what they liked and they paid it. I helped them a lot. They were grateful to me. I am glad that I can communicate with foreign friends. I shuold study harder to improve my English.


导购先进事迹材料范文 1000字左右盛夏的季节,AM在美丽的海滨城市大连召开了公司的半年营销工作会议。海风吹打着浪花,会议间歇,李凡漫步在宾馆旁边的海滩上;脑海中反复播放着下午会议上“个人先进工作事迹”专题...

2015全国二卷作文。范文。议论文格式奇妙无比的大自然声音既动听,色彩也很迷人,这种声音,是人类无法演奏出来的。 早晨醒来,我看见天空乌云密布,看起来要下雨了。淘气的小鸟正叽叽喳喳地在谈些什么呢?它们好像在说:要...

高中英语作文翻译英译汉英语的重要性150字英语的重要性在The importance of English rests with the language being used in most countries in the world as a communicating tool。 For example, a German and a Chinese can't...

英语的重要性为题写一篇70词的英语作文The Importance of English As the deepening of globalization, English is increasingly important, especially for those who communicate with foreigners. For one th...

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英语作文中常用的例子去文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:灯下de孤独 英语作文举例 1)先背3个句子1 Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more…..arecommonly and wid...

我长大了的范文我长大了 一声响亮的啼哭声划破宁静的夜空,我随着一颗新星的升起出世了。我睁开眼的一刹那,发现我已经长大了…… — —题记 又是年终的时候了,我写字台上的台历一侧高高隆起,而...

谁有英语六级考试作文范文或者比较好的英语作文高中以上Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act. He who lies and cheats is dis honest. Those who gain for tunes not by hard labour but by oth...
