

09月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

1、Your heart no longer belongs to me, but I also look forward to your response, knowing that can not be, but still was traction.你的心已不属于我,可我却还期待你的回应,明知不可以,却还是被牵引。

2、Wipe away tears, but not take the feeling of pain in mind.擦去脸上的泪水,却带不走心中痛楚的感觉。

3、Where I don’t you? Heartache I feel numbness, pain I can not breathe, but dare not tell you.我难道的时候你在哪里?心痛的感觉令我麻痹,痛得我难以呼吸,却不敢告诉你。

4、Where am I sad time you? A sorry can replace blank?我难过的时候你在哪里?一句抱歉就能把空白代替?

5、When relying on the shoulder is not, when my tears dry, when I decided to let go, my heart is not in.当依靠的肩膀不在,当我的眼泪流干,当我决定放手,我的心已不在。

6、When I’m with tears and said goodbye to you, you are indifferent to say goodbye to me, don’t look at your cold eyes, the heart has been broken into a thousand pieces.当我流着泪向你说再见,你只是冷漠的向我告别,不感看你的冷漠的眼,心已碎成千片。

7、To love, is also gone, silly, and hated, injury will he to understand, everything is wrong.爱来过,也走过,痴过也恨过,伤过才会懂,一切皆是错。

8、To go, or to go, left behind nothing but a body, lee, or to lee, my heart just in time to take root.走,还是要走的的,留下来的不过是一副躯壳,留,还是要留的,我的心就在次生根了。

9、The sky began to clear up, the breeze across, so gentle, like every time you kiss my cheek, I smiled, just because of you.天空开始放晴,微风划过,如此轻柔,想每次你偷亲我的脸颊一样,我笑了,仅仅是因为想起了你。

10、The phone, there was silence again, to let go, but difficult to give up.电话那头,又是沉默,该放手,却难割舍。

11、Melancholy? A little boring, a little taste of a little lonely lonely.愁绪吗?有点闷,一点孤独品尝一点寂寞。

12、Love can not love the most lonely, I tried to bre a little, but I can not face the trembling of the eyes in the mirror, so close I can with everyone say goodbye.想爱不能爱才最寂寞,我试着勇敢一点,可我无法面对镜中颤抖的双眼,所以只能跟靠近我的每个人说再见。

13、Lonely eyes in silence, when it was only bright found, hiding in a dark corner of me.孤独的双眼沉默着,何时才被明亮发现,躲在黑暗角落的我。
