
电影弱点的英语观后感 200300字

01月30日 编辑 39baobao.com


Yesterday saw (weaknesses), in fact earlier before I went to see it, but the thunderbolt examined next, see evaluation say subtitle translator is very bad we haven't seen. Yesterday finally finished watching the movie, also didn't think translation have what problem, it seems that comment is not credible. The truth is very moving, although the witcher nothing big fluctuations, but is such a movie to real, to touching. In Sandra took Oscar later did I know her name, then in thunderbolt recommend that saw written oscar-winning film, starring Sandra, I click go to see it, but behold got oolong, Adam. Thornton le mistaken as Sandra. Brock, but the film also is very good-looking, there are also about football, with the name, the last of the yard. Seeing so many foreign movies, weakness was the first to let me see will want to cry. In the streets, evening see mike in laundry overnight, and when brock let her brought home the scene really is very moving. Remember early days David asked my favorite thing to do what it is and I was not think out, now I can tell him, I like watching movies. Watching movies can make us feel different life, not the same person, different life. In the reality doesn't happen or appear thing also perhaps people can we by movie to satisfy - it's a movie can bring a person.


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