

01月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[不同的角度看世界作文]展开全部 我的世界真的是有些狭小,想法也就变得有些狭隘了。这几天一直就处在那样的情绪中!昨晚选择了一个解决的方式……让今天的自己心情一下子变得很好。而我依然决定一个...+阅读

I want to be a teacher To be a teacher is what I want to do.As is known to all,the teachers is the engineers of the soul.The future of the world depends on teachers,who are the hope of all nations. It's my honour to have the duty. Being a teacher,I will work heart and soul.The students can all be my friends.They can learn what is important while having a good time. I Want to Be an Astronaut When I was a little girl, my grandmother used to tell me stories about the moon. Even today, every time I watch the sky at night, I would imagine what is happening among the twinkling stars. I hope to be an astronaut in the future so that I can walk in space. I want to walk on the Mars and meet living creatures there. I know it's not easy to be an astronaut. So I study hard and try to learn more about space in order to be a good astronaut. I Want to Ba a boss Usually,a boss is very rich. He can do what he wants.He can buy what he needs.He can live a happy life. If I am a boss ,I will run a big computer company.It will be as big as Bill Gates.I will work out more advanced programs.I will sell my computer to the people all over the world.I will make more money then Bill Gates.I will call my computer the Biggest Boss Company.I will hire lote of empioyees. Iwill train them with international level.They will be the most popular empioyees.Of course,I'llbe the best boss I Want to Be an Astronaut When I was a little girl, my grandmother used to tell me stories about the moon. Even today, every time I watch the sky at night, I would imagine what is happening among the twinkling stars. I hope to be an astronaut in the future so that I can walk in space. I want to walk on the Mars and meet living creatures there. I know it's not easy to be an astronaut. So I study hard and try to learn more about space in order to be a good astronaut.


用不同角度看问题初中话题作文帮你找了2篇,希望你满意。 学会多角度看问题古代有个“盲人摸象”的故事,讲的是盲人摸到象的不同部位,就以为整个象就是他摸的那个样子。这种例子在人们认识事物过程中经常发生...

有关我发现的美作文800字我发现了生活中的美 世界上的美有很多种,有生活美、自然美、心灵美、外表美、衣着美、语言美、动作美、总之很多很多,而我今天要说的美就是生活中的美。 “生活中不缺少美,而是...


美需要发现作文800字我发现了生活的美 带着一双不再挑剔的眼睛和一颗宁静的心灵,我出去寻找生活的美。 当漫天旋转的枯黄划出了季节更替的轨迹,夏季收起她色彩斑斓的行囊,留给了我们满眼金黄的美丽...

关于美的抒情话题高一 800字作文美就在身边 做操的音乐响起,我匆匆赶到操场,加入锻炼的行列。做着做着,突然发现身旁的树上长了一些像松果一样的果实,有的隐隐地泛着红色,有的已整个红透了。繁茂的绿树上点缀着...

美在于发现小标题作文 800字美,在于发现 是上帝还是女娲创造了人类,这并不重要。重要的是我们每个人都有一颗跳动的心。 我们长着眼睛,就是要看到美好的东西;长着耳朵,就是要听动听的声音。如果我们只是要看...

一篇关于发现美的作文 600800字要自己写的发现美的眼睛 我站在窗边,嘴角勾起一条恬静柔和的曲线。 天地之间,处处都有动人心魄的美丽:天气新晴,碧空白云,晴阳淡光,天空,是清澈澄明得无丝毫杂质的浅蓝,那样明媚清浅的颜色,好像...

怎样写美的发现 800字作文日月经天,江河行地,牵扯出四季轮回,哺育出生生不息。大自然的美,存于你,存于我,存于天地万物——“只要懂得欣赏,什么都可以是艺术。”是的,发现的灵动点激了美的唤发。 (一) 苍鹰翱翔...

