

01月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初中游记作文 600字以上]门头沟在北京可以说是一个绿色的区县,它被连绵不断的青山所包围,而今天我有幸能亲临门头沟,近距离触摸它的山,观赏它的景,感受它那浓郁的大自然的气息。 早上,伴着那充满活力朝阳,...+阅读

happy memories

In my memorey,there are a lot of happy things.The most happy thing in my monorey is I play chess with my classmates after class.

After my teacher go out of the class,I quickly put my chess block on my desk.Soon,my friends came towards me.I played very well so that they couldn't defeat me.We sitted,and started to play.We talked and laughed,even didn't see my English teach come into my class.We had to go back to class,but we promised that we would play next time

This is the most happy thing in my monorey.I will never forget it.Because I put my childhood in it.



我的爷爷喜欢种西瓜300字作文我们老家有一位老爷爷,今年70多岁了。他种了一辈子西瓜,人们都叫他——西瓜爷爷。 西瓜爷爷种瓜的经验非常丰富,他种的西瓜又大又甜,人们都喜欢吃他种的瓜。 有一天,西瓜爷爷来我...


我的爷爷作文400字我的爷爷是一位地地道道的农民。他今年七十多岁了,满脸的皱纹,满头的白发,但他身体健康,精神矍铄。爷爷对我特别的好。 爷爷特别爱劳动。爷爷每天早晨起床特别早,洗漱完毕,他就带...

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英语书面作文。美好的回忆We had to go back to class,but we promised that we would play next time This is the most happy thing in my monorey.I will never forget it;t see my English teach...
