

01月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以理想为话题的议论文作文800字]我的理想 ……如果你是一滴水,你是否滋润了一寸土地?如果你是一线阳光,你是否照亮了一分黑暗?如果你是一颗粮食,你是否哺育了有用的生命?如果你是一颗最小的螺丝钉,你是否永远坚守...+阅读

Today i have a good time in zoo. There are many animals in the zoo. The tiger, elephant, bear,giraffe are all my friends. But we must obey the zoo rules. We shuold love these animals friends. We can't hurt them. We must not throw the trash to these animals. We must keep the zoo rules in mind.


以路为题的作文600字普通人水平“路本来并不是路,走得人多了也就变成了路。”这句世纪名言是铭记于很多人的心里面的。但是我这里所说的路并不是我平常走得路,而是人生中的选择的路。 人生总有很多的选择,几...

以什么启示为题的作文一句名言的启示 往事如过眼去烟,转瞬即逝,只留下淡淡的一抹,但又如那陈年老酒,年代越久越醇香。在我人生道路上,有许许多多的话都被我忘记了,但“勤能补拙是良训,一分辛苦一分才”...

竞选某某英语作文800字Hello everyone! My name is-.I want to be the monitor of our class for I can undertake the responsibility and I have enough ability to be competent!First,what I...

中学生英语竞选演讲稿例文敬爱的老师、亲爱的伙伴: 大家好!我叫包可欣,今天我第一次站在讲台上演讲,而第一次演讲就是竞选班长,此时此刻我很激动,也很紧张。班长是一个许多同学向往的职位,需要一个有能力有...

五年级英语作文我不知道你要哪种类型的.所以你自己看看吧. My mother is a beautiful woman.She is 38 years old.She is an engineer.She likes singing and she can sing very well.She...

五年级英语作文1.My favourite animal My favourite animal is a dog. His name is Ben Ben. He is only two years old ,but he looks old. He is from Beijing. He is very friendly to...

五年级英语作文5篇不少于五句话Since I went to high school, I like to watch tennis match so much, because the tennis match can help me relieve myself from the study pressure. My favorite tenn...

小学生五年级英语范文A Dream Mary: I'm now in the sea. I can't believe it! It's so beautiful! What a colorful fish! It's so lovely! Little fish, don't go away! Oh, here comes a blue...

五年级的英语作文I am a student now. when I grow up, I want to my own house, a very beautiful house. The house must have two floors. In the house there are many good things that...
