

01月19日 编辑 39baobao.com


In my memory of the ocean, there are a lot of waves, and the biggest waves, is my memory the most profound a.

Remember that year, I just five years old, my grandmother live in.

I went to the kindergarten from my grandmother home is far away, then I grandma's house is not rich, every day is grandma carry I send me to school.

Remember that, the sky below the light rain, my grandmother 6 a.m. is up to me to cook, then cook dinner for me to wear clothes, grandma one morning, he didn't rest, has been busy.

Soon it was raining harder and harder, I and grandma said today does not go to school, but she insisted that I go to school, can't, can only so.

My maternal grandmother go behind my back in the small street, I am in grandma's back under the umbrella, soon got home, see grandma body has been rain to get wet, I can see that grandma was very cold, but she don't I say, and on one side that I read, write.

And the weekend, I was sleeping, I could see a grey, with presbyopia glasses give me weave clothes woman, that is my grandma, she is in the night and I weave sweater, I was what all don't understand, then go and sleep to get up.

Now I grew up, and occasionally think of when I was a child my grandma for what I've done, they can't help but tears fell down, I swear, grew up, will repay my grandma's.

Grandma, I love you.


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