

01月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求一篇英语作文大二四级的水平:如何建立自己的形象]How to Establish Your Prestige Prestige and impression you leave on others are very important in social affairs. With good impression and prestige, others may c...+阅读

This earthquake not any omen, if I at that time were in Sichuan, perhaps my life will stop in yesterday. Although yesterday us was only the aftershock, but created at heart in me the vibration was not inferior occurs in Sichuan's earthquake. what life really fills the accident, anything may not forecast. Perhaps the previous quarter also in immerses in the joy, perhaps the next quarter life must draw to a close period. Therefore we must certainly treasure the life, treasures in life the minutes and seconds. I before also has spoken such words, but I only then truly have understood these words meaning now. This earthquake let me know the life, I could not continue to idly spend my time. If next quarter I must leave, I must a quarter life leave leeway myself on this world the trace. After all, the life has one time! 中文 这次地震没有任何预兆,假如我当时是在四川,我的生命也许会停止在昨天。

虽然昨天我们这边只是余震,但在我心里造成的震动丝毫不亚于发生在四川的地震。 生命真的是充满意外,什么都不可预测。上一刻也许还在沉醉在喜悦之中,下一刻也许生命就要划上句号。所以我们一定要珍惜生命,珍惜生命中的分分秒秒。我以前也说过这样的话,可现在我才真正理解了这句话的意思。这次地震让我重新认识了生命,我不能够继续虚度我的光阴。

假如下一刻我 就要离开,我必须让自己上一刻的生活在这世界上留有痕迹。毕竟,生命只有一次啊!


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