

01月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[描述一下你崇拜的偶像的经历以及你的梦想之路英语作文]My idol is Leehom Wang(王力宏).He is a talent singer.He can play many instrument.For example,he can play the piano,the violin,the guitar and so on. Also,his songs...+阅读

There are four seasons in a year. And I think they are all the different person.

Spring is a lovely girl. She loves new clothes. So she gives the trees, grass and flowers new clothes for the new year. And she plays with the animals, dances with the wind, and says “hello” to the warm sun.

Summer is a strong boy. He makes the trees, grass and flowers grow bigger and greener. He runs with the dogs and cats. He don't like cold, he thinks hot is good for everybody. Sun is his good friend.

Autumn is a beautiful girl. She also likes new clothes. She gives the plants a new yellow clothes. And she likes dancing as well. She dances with many yellow leaves. And it is very beautiful. She is not a good friend with the sun. She makes us feel cool.

Winter is a sad boy. He doesn't like sport. He doesn't like running. He doesn't like doing everything. He is a lazy boy. Sun is not his friend. He doesn't like the sun and the sun doesn't like him also. He makes the world very cold.

These are the four seasons. They are different. But I like all of them. They are my friends and make my life interesting.


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