

01月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[留学英文简历中的留学理由怎么写]1.个人隐私的体现 英文简历通常不体现个人的一些隐私信息,例如:出生日期,性别,婚姻状况,上任薪金待遇等。这是因为在美国的企业不能在年龄、性别或者种族等因素歧视应聘者,如果发...+阅读

Christmas Tree growers will donate more than 11,000 Christmas Trees to U.S. troops and their families this holiday season. The Trees for Troops Program, sponsored by the Christmas SPIRIT Foundation, kicked off on Nov. 14, 2006, with the collection of trees in Columbus, Ohio and Indianapolis, Ind. These trees will be shipped overseas to Afghanistan, Iraq, the Middle East and sailors in the 5th fleet in the Gulf.

Additional Christmas Trees will be delivered to U.S. troops and their families at military bases across the United States. Those trees will be collected and delivered between November 27 and December 11.

Christmas Tree growers are donating most of the trees, though consumers can also join the effort by donating online. FedEx Corp. is donating the shipping for all of the trees – both those going to U.S. bases and overseas


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