

01月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以我的晴天雨天为题写一篇不少于600字的作文]雨夜,又是雨夜。 雨,密密斜织着,它的到来没有预兆,让人猝不及防。雨打着柳叶也打着心灵的屋檐,敲着路面也敲着我的万千思绪。为什么要有雨天,急走在路上我满是埋怨。路灯照耀着积...+阅读

i am li ming and 12 years old.now i am living in shanghai of china. there are 4 people in my family .i love my hometown so deeply and i think it is a beautiful and lovely city which attracts many persons from all over the world.

i am a student of shanghai no.2 middle school,grade 2. i feel it is so happy for me to study in the shool and i can get alone well with teachers and classmates of mine. playing basketall is one of my hoppies and yaoming is one of my favorite nba stars. my dream is to being a sprot star.

so am i,a sunshine and lovely boy.


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