

01月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思剑5第一篇小作文希望大牛帮助改改顺便给个分数谢谢]个别单词有拼写错误哦,第二句lower than改为(just) under更好,“but the percentage of Sweden rose more rapidly than USA”,USA前加that of,“between 1990 and 2015 with a...+阅读

上升:increase, rise (up), climb (up), soar, rocket (to), go up, surge, growth

下降:decrease, decline, fall, drop, sink, reduce, reduction,

波动:fluctuate, fluctuation

持平:stabilize, remain the same level,remain stable,remain constant



雅思强人请进给我的小作文打个分并给点建议!谢谢啦个人觉得如果9分的作文,小作文占3分的话,这篇应该在1.5左右 我水平也不是很高,给你几个我的建议把 1.一定分段写,我没有看到题目,但是我强烈建议文章一定要分段,这样看起来更有条...

修改语法雅思小作文开头剑桥5 T2的巧, the percentage of~~~~~很少用take on吧,或者我没学过;tends to decline&quot..!!哈哈~~"While with age grow up the percentage of carrer takes on decline trend;percenta...

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