

01月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[作文一件尴尬的事][作文 一件尴尬的事] 妈妈常对我说:不论做什么事,都应宜早不宜晚,作文 一件尴尬的事。可我却总是满不在乎,这有什么了不起的。 没想到不听妈妈言吃亏在眼前,今天早晨闹铃丁丁零零...+阅读

Obligatory labor

I am now in pursuit of higher aspirations because I now understand that the devotion to social welfare is of greater significance than individual happiness. Obligatory labor is one of the major commitments in which I can engage and this kind of engagements often help us end up in more valuable consequences than sometimes presumed. While personally I would like to commit myself to such honors as obligatory labor so that I am in wake of greater personal satisfaction and fulfillment in which I will discover something truly meaningful and viable for future utilities.

The major workplace in which I commit myself to such obligatory work is the community in which I live, where a lot of inhabitants are in pressing need of help from volunteers who feel obliged to offer aid. Some of the work that these volunteers do are very impressive; For instance, tending the elderly. In the lofty persuasion of aiding the elderly who are mostly less physically capable than the young, the volunteers find themselves in the novel exploration of their noble but untapped potentials in developing characteristics by virtue of some unexpected methods. I myself as a volunteer must confess that obligatory labor requires a lot of determination, deliberation and consideration. The basic aspects of tending and helping the weak has manifest commitments that must be fulfilled through certain channels. Obligatory labor also includes cleaning the local community and providing a sanitary environment for the inhabitants of the community.

In conclusion, I believe that committing myself to obligatory labor has bestowed a new meaning to my life, and its objectives seem to be clearer through such acts of benevolence.




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