

01月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于古代文将和武将的外貌的句子]展开全部 一 、男子外貌 1、只见那人俊美绝伦,脸如雕刻般五官分明,有棱有角的脸俊美异常。外表看起来好象放荡不拘,但眼里不经意流露出的精光让人不敢小看。一头乌黑茂密的头发...+阅读

With china's entering into WTO, from economic, political and cultural aspects, Chinese have more chances to communicate with foreigners than before. Thus, people emphasize the importance of English learning. However, an interesting phenomenon which I have found among students is that they pay little attention to spelling.

I think there are two reasons why this happens. Firstly, with more experts claiming that the significant purpose of English learning is communication, students put more efforts in speaking but ignore their spelling. Secondly, the laziness of students stops them from remembering the spelling completely, which leads to their mistaken spelling.

Faced with such phenomenon, we should take measures immediately. To teachers, they should encourage students to focus on spelling and check students' spelling from time to time. To students, they should build a habit to concentrate on wrong spelling when learning English. To schools, they should organize some exams about the spelling ability of students so as to improve the accuracy of spelling



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