

01月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[给我一篇半命题作文我发现了的优秀范文]曾经拥有的会失去,曾经失去的不再来;曾经不在来的随风飘逝。 ——题记 我发现时间有一个秘密,它不会告诉人们它已离去,当人们睡觉时,它会从身上一跃而过;当人们吃饭时,悄悄走过餐桌...+阅读


解决办法2:政府有责任制定和执行相关的法律,保护罪犯找工作的权利。As everyone knows, the reality that criminals whom are set free from prison would commit again is a pressing problem confronting us in the contemporary society and exerts baneful impacts on the stability of the society. Thus, as far as I am concerned, it is of great importance for people to find out its causes and ascertain some possible solutions to address it.There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, this situation can be attributable to the careless of the criminals' families. When they are released from prison, what they received from their families are not tolerance and care, but blame and complaint. The sense of loneliness would put them into fire again. Furthermore, because of lacking of attention from their families, they have to stay with friends, but most of them, are also criminals. Most important, they would fell disappointed because no one want to offer them job opportunities. It is reported that a large proportion of employers do not believe those who commit before.Given the seriousness of this problem, we have no alternative but to adopt some feasible and effective measures. From my point of view, the following ones are worth mentioning. To begin with, what we should do is give criminals a chance to start at their new life, especially for their families, care and understand are very essential to those who commit before. For another, it is government's responsibility to set down and implement relevant laws to protect the criminals' rights to seek a job.From the above , there are multiple causes, both families and society, to explain the criminals would commit again. And only when these practices mentioned above are taken will we to witness a substantial decrease of crime rate.


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