
英语作文 Children s Day儿童节不要太长有个7 8句 30

01月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[作文令我难忘的人 800字]最令我难忘的人是我最敬爱的爸爸,我爸爸不但养育了我,而且无微不至的关爱我.在我危险的时候舍生忘己保护我,令我永远难忘. 记得在我五岁多的时候,一天晚上,因为感冒我深夜突然发...+阅读

We will have a party at home on children`s Day.We are going to buy some sweets and chips.We are also going to play with our friends.The Children`s Day must be a great happiness. Today was children's day ,My parents took me to the park. 今兲 是(is的过去式) 儿童节, 我的爸爸妈妈带我去公园玩, (也可以写成:I went to the park with my parents.我和爸爸妈妈去公园玩。) (After we got to thr park可省略)we played Roller coaster first. 我们到达公园后, 我们 玩 过山车 首先 It was exciting.Then,we played at seesaw 。 狠刺激。 然后 我们玩 跷跷板 In fact,the park was very beautiful.There was many flowers and 事实上, 公园非常漂亮 那里有 很多 花朵 和 butterflies。 蝴蝶 How fun today was! 今兲真是有趣啊! June ,the beautiful month come again.It is a hot wire to children,because it also means Children's day is coming. That day was a special day. All the things was unusual.Many beautiful snoopies was put up on the wall,and students come to school with good tempers.After class the world becomes the children's world.You could see children everythere.Some children went tu the park with their parents,some went to the zoo,and some went to swim together.All the children's are very happy I feels children's day is the most beautiful day


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