
用英文写作一篇包饺子的步骤 3Q

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于英语考试的总结反思300字用英文写的]For English quiz slowly a few days ago, when the fall heavy papers on the desk, I hurried through his score like a hunger for a long time people see can save yo...+阅读

Cooking Procedure: 1. Place flour in bowl. Add salt and water slowly. Mix with fingers and knead to form a soft dough. Cover with damp cloth. Let stand for at least 15 minutes. 2. Mix meat, green onion, ginger, soy sauce, salt and sesame oil in a bowl and mix it thoroughly. Then add chopped cabbage. Sprinkle a little salt on it. Then squeeze the water out to make it dry.)Mix thoroughly to make filling. 3. Remove the dough to lightly floured board, knead again until very smooth. Divide the dough into 50 pieces. Flatten each piece with hand and roll it into a round thin pancake (about 2-1/2 inch diameter, the center should be thicker than edges.) Place one teaspoonful of filling in center, fold over, and pinch in center first. Then grasp edges between thumb and index finger to seal. 4. Boil about 10 cups of water in deep pan, after the water starts boiling, drop dumplings one by one into boiling water (no more than 20 dumplings at a time). Stir carefully with large spoon to prevent sticking to the bottom of pan. Cook until the water boils up again. 5. Add 2/3 cup of cold water into pan and let it come to boil again. Add another 2/3 cup cold water. When it boils again, the dumpling is done. Remove the dumplings with a large slotter spoon to plate. Serve hot. 6. In small bowls place soy sauce, vinegar, red pepper oil. Use as a dipping sauce.



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