[没有什么是永恒的作文950字]没有什么是永恒的 没有什么是绝对的,没有什么是不变的,有些事可能一个小小的变动便影响了一生的遭遇。或许,我们都应该明白,我们无时无刻的一举一动都在改变着世界。 突然,我发现...+阅读
您好,很高兴能为您解答,希望我的回答能对您有所帮助。 植树节英语作文带翻译1: The annual Arbor Day arrived, in March, the weather sky, connect with gently footsteps came to earth. The earth all things recovery, the grass from the earth drill out, this is the spring's eyebrows. Open clusters of flowers in the flower bed, this is the eye of the spring. The teacher in charge teacher ma took us to city road outside of planting trees. We carried the saplings, carrying shovels, carrying a bucket, cheerfully came to the road. We are good team, Li Haochen, qing-long liu and I are a team. Li Haochen qing-long liu try to eat with milk that shovel out of a hole with a spade, and then put the tree in the pit, and the good earth, with a spade on strong. I carry a bucket to find water, walk for ten minutes, finally saw a stream. I fished from the streams of water have a bucket of clear water, and then carry water bucket ran back to the tree. Qing-long liu also ran to help me, we carry several barrels of water back and forth, the teacher praised us on the spot. We though very tired, but very happy, because we are contributing to the greening the motherland. Wish the world all kinds of a small tree, watching them grow up, that how interesting! Let us have to plant trees, everyone has a green consciousness, only in this way, our society will be harmonious, the future of the planet must be green 一年一度的植树节到了,阳春三月,丽日晴空,春姑娘迈着轻轻地脚步来到人间。
大地万物复苏,小草从土里钻出来了,这是春天的眉毛。花坛里开出一簇簇的鲜花,这是春天的眼睛。班主任马老师带我们来到市外的公路边植树。 我们抬着树苗,扛着铁锹,拎着水桶,兴高采烈的来到公路旁。我们分好小组,我和李浩辰、刘庆龙是一个小组。李浩辰和刘庆龙一起使出吃奶的劲儿,用铁锹铲出了一个坑,再把树放进坑里,又用铁锹埋好土,踩结实了。
我拎着水桶去找水,走了十分钟,终于看见一条小溪。我从溪水里捞起满满一桶清清的水,然后拎着水桶跑回树下浇水。刘庆龙也跑来帮我,我们来回拎了好几桶水,老师当场表扬了我俩。我们虽然很累,但是很高兴,因为我们为绿化祖国做出了贡献。 愿天下所有人都种一棵小树,看着他们长大,那多么有趣!让我们都来植树,人人都有绿色意识,只有这样,我们的社会才会和谐,地球的未来一定是绿色的。
植树节英语作文带翻译2: March 12 is the Arbor Day every year. This year's Arbor Day has become a primary school student, I school brigade department organization we go outside to participate in planting trees activities to improve the students to love nature should be understood as a child. The consciousness of environment protection. The day it's sunny in the morning, the sun shines on the ground. After we arrived at the outskirts of a clearing off, I will and classmates with a shovel, bucket, carried the saplings. To start in planting trees. I was the first team, it is our task to water trees. If the girl is the second team, their mission is to fertilize the young trees. Yu Dongli is a third team, their task is to give young trees dig a hole. Vehicle is planted saplings. Everyone busy doing their own thing to do, do it. Aflame. Everyone is happy smile on their faces. When they put the tree after the us team to water the saplings, we went to the river to a bucket of water to water the saplings. As if looking at certain clear bright they shoveled the water cups of the saplings mouth to drink very happy also drink while said: "thank the students work hard under your care, we must grow to be a useful workers make clothing in the future human" after I listened to very happy more proud, thought after many years here my classmates and I planted saplings will become individual grow up into the thick of the shadow of a large green shade trees when we come here again what a feeling! It is because of this love and care about the nature of people to us. Our world will become more beautiful and more green environmental protection. The Arbor Day activity for me is really increased a lot of knowledge, understand the human only love nature flowers and plants trees with their peace with our world will be more beautiful and rich. 每年的三月十二日是植树节。
今年的植树节我已经成为一名小学生了,学校大队部组织我们去郊外参加植树活动提高同学们从小就要懂得爱护大自然。爱护环境的意识。 这天上午天气晴朗,阳光普照着大地。我们乘车来到郊外的一片空地下车后,我就和同学们一起拿着铁锹、水桶、扛着小树苗。来到空地里开始种树。我是第一小组,我们的任务是为小树浇水。师若琪是第二小组,他们的任务是给小树施肥。
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