

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语四级写作技巧有什么怎么提高]大学英语四级考试中,要想在写作上拿高分,关键在于句型和用词。句型涉及到语法,词汇涉及到初级词汇和高级词汇。适当地用复杂的结构和高级词汇将有助于帮你得到高分。 (1) 改变...+阅读

I think a healthy diet is to eat good morning, noon to eat, to eat less at night. In the morning general milk, eggs, bread, meat and vegetables at noon, at night to eat less, porridge, is a good choice. Eat more grains, grain often accompany, will achieve a balanced diet. Eat to eat 7 full, do not overeat, eat to eat slowly, helps digestion. Fruit is a good choice, generally in the morning to eat the best, early is gold!Anteprandial drink a bowl of soup, after dinner to service you do not eat, eat fruit after a meal, will increase the burden on the stomach. Not conducive to good health. I was in accordance with the above method, the body more healthy, also lost 10 kilos. Slimming health two.我认为健康饮食就是早上要吃好,中午要吃饱,晚上要吃少.早上一般牛奶,鸡蛋,面包,中午荤素搭配,晚上少吃一点,稀饭之类的是好的选择.多吃些谷物,有五谷经常陪伴,会达到均衡饮食.吃饭要吃7成饱,切不可暴饮暴食,吃饭要慢慢的吃,有助于消化.水果也是很好的选择,一般早上吃最佳,早是金吗!饭前喝一碗汤,饭后尽量社呢们也不要吃,饭后吃水果之类的会加重胃的负担.不利于身体的健康.我就是按照以上的方法吃,身体越来越健康,还瘦了10多斤.减肥健康两不误! 虽然是说没用到你give enough,keep healthy,eating habits,instead of,kinds of,become healthier,baianled dietd这些词,但还是希望能帮到你。


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