

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写雨天的作文。运用叠词。排比。反复。比喻]下雨天,真好 余光中曾在一篇文章中写道:“看看那冷雨,听听那冷雨,嗅嗅那冷雨,舔舔那冷雨……”诗人真是把那雨的灵气描摹得淋漓尽致。 不管那雨是淅淅沥沥地下,或者是哗啦啦地倒;也...+阅读

Hello: A my extracurricular life From childhood, I heard the line: "have oneself in the book the gold room, have oneself in the book YanRuYu." I thought that opens the book, will have gold fell, there will be jade fall down. So I tease mother bought me a book. Until I opened the first book, just discover oneself very silly, because there is no all I wanted. But I was alone "chew" up this book, for a long time, I found that I fell in love with books, like to smell this light ink flavour. Perhaps from the start, book became my an indispensable part of school life. Bell, half-empty rang and as midnight wind gently touched, I nest in bed with a famous American writer Ernest Hemingway created through the work: "the old man and the sea". A simple story, an ordinary man, an ordinary, the big marlin, in the boundless sea happening on the seemingly ordinary and extraordinary experience. In this a tragic story (clock), actually refracts a "hero" - old man of Santiago. When the old man dragged their trophies and sharks fights, my heart can't help by shock. People must not give defeated! This simple words that I seemed to hear the voice of the old man and the waves combat... See here, I stopped and looked at the desk piles of homework, the absolute levels are still waiting for I cracked. But I actually give up, I asked them to surrender, be they defeated. No! Should not so! People must not give defeated! When I regained the past me, so vitality upward. I left the bed and sat at the table. A little HuangYun light lit up all the topic, also lit up my heart in of light... In the book the taste of scattered out long, I have unspeakable felling. Each picked up a, that the taste is changed. Each book have their own language. "Three kingdoms" is full of battlefield of bloody flavour, full of filled with pride, a battlefield breath. "The stars" is shares at the feet of breath, bing xin grandma thinks the overly emotional, let mother I can't help thinking that the Yin ": the loving mother hand wandering on line, go clothes...... "In the book, have oneself in the book has its own gold room YanRuYu." Books, I bring is flourishing sunny days, book to me is jubilant festival... Books have enriched my extracurricular life, enrich my every day! As the saying goes: green vegetables radish, martini. Someone like ball games activity, someone like graceful dance capital more development intelligence, others like the small production, some like to edify the philatelic and like... As for me, but I will have a special liking to see kinds of extra readings do.


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