[感受生活中的美为题目的500字作文]与美同行 生命本无颜色,但人走过的路程却绚绚丽缤纷,生命的颜色,涂抹的分量,没有固定额格式。与其在物欲横流的街头上彷徨,不如在繁华的街口奉献自己,华丽转身。 生活中并不缺少美...+阅读
I love sports
I love sports. Science keeps you alive, but sports make lifeworth living. Without sports, life is not worth living.
You cannot know how much I love sports. Sport is my life,
without sport I would die. I enjoy sports, football, basketball, and baseball,
how terrible would life be without sport? I play sports every second of my
life, when I am eating, I think about sports. When I am sleeping, I dream about
sports, this is how much I love sports.
Let me tell you, this world would be a disaster without sports;
it would different for me, for everyone. If there are no sports, Lionel Messi
and Kobe Bryant will not be known, this would be a disaster!
This is how much I love sports and why sports should beloved.
谁能以感受生活中的美为题写篇文章作文生活中的这是一个普通的星期六。早晨六点四十,我一个鲤鱼打挺起了床。我的健康的一天也就同时开始了。 七点二十,我洗漱、吃早饭完毕,就关闭吃早饭时听的收音机,打开复读机,开始跟着磁带...
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以我还缺少什么为题目写一篇作文!人生中并不是处处都很完美,总有一些东西在生活中困扰着我们,让我们不知何去何从。生活中(需)虽然我们拥有了很多,但也有得不到的东西,我认为最多的是自信。 也许,有人会这样认为自...
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